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Seeking liquidity in your Healthcare Real Estate?

Providing Purchase or Partner Solutions for Your Healthcare Real Estate

As the popularity of professional practice amalgamations continues to increase exponentially, many Doctors find themselves presented with a great opportunity to sell their professional practice to a large management group. However, these large healthcare management groups typically have no interest in purchasing the practitioners real estate. This is where Thrive Healthcare Properties steps-in and concomitantly provides an excellent opportunity for Doctors to maximize the value of their real estate, by either partnering or outright selling their property to us.

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Maximizing Your Value and ROI

If you are interested in selling your property, we will help ensure your lease is structured for maximum value and then we will either purchase the asset outright or you can choose to partner with us by selling a portion of your property, and investing the remainder of your sale value into an overall ownership stake in Thrive Healthcare Properties. A healthcare practice owner’s real estate is often one of their most valuable assets and our objective is to help you maximize and monetize the value of your property.

Partnering in a Larger Platform

Partnering with Thrive Healthcare Properties will allow you to monetize a large portion of your asset now, while simultaneously continuing to enjoy a passive income stream and building substantial wealth in a growing real estate healthcare platform. Thrive Healthcare Properties is Canada’s only professional building consolidator – focused on creating steady streams of passive income and accretive returns for Doctors who choose to partner.

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Providing Turnkey Solutions

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Preserving Your Facility Reputation

Upon sale or partnership with Thrive Healthcare Properties, we will assume management of the property and ensure meticulous care of your facility, reinforcing the quality relationship you have fostered with your patients over the years.

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Dental, Dental Speciality and Veterinary Facilities

Thrive Healthcare Properties is focused on partnering or acquiring Dental, Dental Specialty and Veterinary Facilities. We are pleased to work with Doctors to help them grow their practices by any combination of freeing up equity from the sale or partial sale of their asset with partnership in Thrive Healthcare Properties, renovation, and or expansion of their facility – while committing to a long-term lease agreement and impeccable facility management.

Facilitate Your Sale

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Thrive Healthcare Properties is Canada’s only professional building consolidator – focused on creating steady streams of passive income and accretive returns for Doctors who choose to partner.

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If you are looking to sell your healthcare property outright, we will work with you to determine and pay maximum value for your asset. With over 18 years of experience in both the real estate and healthcare sectors, the Thrive team has the industry knowledge to analyze your healthcare asset and ensure we pay the value you deserve.

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Transition Solutions

Due to the breadth of our experience, there are several ways Thrive Healthcare Properties can provide creative solutions to maximize value and find the best solution for transition of your practice real estate. For instance we can work with you to improve your facility prior to the sale of your practice: maximizing value of both your professional practice and overall lease. We will then in turn buy your practice real estate at this improved value.


“I would recommend Thrive Healthcare Properties to anyone looking to sell their dental practice real estate. When I decided to sell my practice to a corporate group, my goal was to have an exit strategy that was clean and complete. Thrive Healthcare Properties made it possible to achieve my goal. They had the industry knowledge to understand that my practice would be a valuable tenant.”

“Selling an asset you have owned for many years can be a daunting task but Thrive Healthcare Properties helped make the transition into the next chapter of my life smooth and seamless and the integrity of their team allowed me to sleep well through the process.”

“Thrive Healthcare Properties stepped into a situation where our landlord was uninterested in providing renovation capital and partnered with us to update the facility so that we could provide better workflow and recruit new doctors in order to grow our practice.”

Interested in Selling or a Partnership Transition of Your Healthcare Property?

Contact us today if you are interested in selling or transitioning your healthcare property. One of our team members will be happy to start the process of assessing your full value and answering any questions you may have.

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